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SQL Interview Questions- Oracle - Find top 2 department that contains more employees

Enter into mysql by using below command


Step1: Create a database by using below query.

mysql> create database nippo;

Step 2: List down the databases and check the created database is available or not.

mysql> show databases;

Step 3: Move within the database using below command.

mysql> use nippo;

Step 4: Create a table called employee.

mysql> create table employee (id int primary key auto_increment, dept_name varchar(255), name varchar(255));

Step 6: Check the given columns and attributes exactly available in the table.
mysql> desc employee;

Step 5: Insert the values in the table.
mysql> insert into employee values(NULL, 'infra', 'mika');
mysql> insert into employee values(NULL, 'infra', 'soomu');
mysql> insert into employee values(NULL, 'infra', 'mulla');
mysql> insert into employee values(NULL, 'support', 'maari');
mysql> insert into employee values(NULL, 'support', 'deva');
mysql> insert into employee values(NULL, 'client', 'victas');

Step 7: Command to fetch top 2 departments where highest employees present.
mysql> select dept_name, count(dept_name) as dept_count from employee group by dept_name order by dept_count desc limit 2;

That's it. Hope it helps.
