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Do & Don't - Contact Lens


  • Why Contact Lens?
  • Basics
  • Routine Actions
  • Do & Don't -  Contact Lens

Why Contact Lens?

  • This stops eye power increasing.
  • Gives more self confidence.
  • When you are using camera, you can use this. So you will be satisfied with those pictures you have taken.
  • While bike driving in rain and any raining situations.
  • While Going to 3D movie.
  • Finally, you will know, how spider man felt when he no longer require glasses.


  • Always keep a lens box filled with lens liquid in hand
  • Keep Lens pair box or Lens box always clean. Since eye is more sensitive. You should not keep dust with it. My doctor suggestion is to have a tissue paper in hand and keep the lens box within that tissue paper.

Routine Actions:

  • Always change the lens liquid in 4 days.
  • When you feel lens liquid in the lens box is having more dust in it. Change the liquid that time itself.
  • While changing lens liquid make sure, you clean the lens box with tissue paper.
  • Lens can be weared for 8 - 12 hrs per day. 12 hrs is the maximum time. Better remove before it.
  • Always wear lens on the regular basis. Say example. Once you taken bath, Before taking food or
  • After 2 hrs of eating food.
  • if its urgent, wash your hands with soap and dry them and after that go for wearing lens.
  • To take lens out of eyes, please use only one hand. Say you are reaching home by almost 10PM. You are hungry. You eat something hot with chilly. So mostly you shouldn’t use right hand while taking the lens off. If you do, next while wearing them. You will feel the pain.

Do & Don't :

Note: Lens can be weared only 8hrs. It doesn’t mean your lens can’t take it. It means your eyes can’t take it more than that. Your eyes need more rest than your lens.
  • After wearing lens don’t ride bike without sunglasses or helmets. Still you need to do the ride go by 40KM speed max.
  • Don’t go much near to Fire. My doctor used to you are not super hero to save someone from fire. If you still wanted to be the hero. Better takeoff the lens and go and help.
  • Do not sleep wearing lens.
  • Do regular check-ups by every six months. Check ups should be done with and without lens. Get to know that your lens having crack or dust added to them. If any happens, replace them. Because we require eyes more than anything.
  • If lens slipped and reach ground. That’s it. Don’t use it unless you get conformation with doctor.
  • If lens got torn, Don’t use it.
  • Don’t wear lens while taking long trips. When any sudden things happen in the travel. For the quick reaction your eye balls will go above and there is a chance lens may stuck there.


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